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Two SPS Level 2 courses held in Saudi Arabia

BEIRUT (Lebanon) - The FIBA Regional Office-Asia successfully organized two separate Level 2 Sports Performance Specialist (SPS) courses in Saudi Arabia recently.

Made possible in cooperation with the Saudi Basketball Federation, the workshop was first held in Riyadh last October 26-28, and then in the city of Dammam last November 16-18.

Fifteen participants took part in the Riyadh leg while 22 attended in Dammam as they all immersed in the program aimed to equip coaches, athletes, and stakeholders with the knowledge and skills to improve athletic capabilities and prevent injuries in basketball.

Mohamed Abde-Khalek, one of the attendees, said that the SPS Level 2 course has helped change some of his beliefs about the physical aspect of basketball.

"I am a basketball coach and I have benefited a lot from the given information especially on how to deal with the physical aspect and I have changed some beliefs. Thanks to it for shining light on the matter, which is the main driving force for basketball players," he said.

Another participant in Asmi Bechir was as grateful for the all the lessons and the experiences he garnered from the course. "The SPS Level 2 Formation course was rich with valuable information that a physical trainer needs during his sporting career," he stated.

"We enjoyed the theoretical lessons and applying it on the field was enjoyable as well. This was one of the reasons that developed our practical experience," he added.

The FIBA Regional Office-Asia has been active in organizing SPS Level 2 courses this 2023. Before hosting two sessions in KSA, it has already some in Iraq, Kuwait, Mongolia, Bahrain, and Kazakhstan, with another one set to take place in Kuwait in early December.

Taught through theoretical and practical sessions, the SPS program is part of FIBA’s initiative to strengthen the local coaches' physical training skills and promote strength and conditioning in basketball, which greatly contributes in the quality of the game.