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Samoa Mini Basketball Jamboree teaching life lessons

APIA (Samoa) - The recent Mini Basketball Jamboree held in Samoa was a welcome opportunity for children to play, have fun and discover basketball. Moreover, it was a great example of using Basketball For Good.

Having attended the Oceania Mini Basketball Convention organized by the FIBA Foundation, Sarah Lee from the Samoa National Basketball Federation learned how to organize a basketball event and use it as a platform to address social issues in her community. The occasion was used for different ministries to exchange with the children as their roles are often not well known by the local communities.

The Ministry of Police gave a presentation on the importance of living by the laws, explaining the work of police and how they help the public.

They also warned the children on the dangers of social media and the effects of mobile phones. They gave them solutions on how to avoid fights in school.

The Ministry of Fire and Emergency Service instructed the kids on how to react in emergency situations in case of fire, flood or earthquake and if someone loses consciousness.


He also reminded the kids about the number to dial in case of an emergency and not to be afraid to alert the office if anything happens at home or anywhere else.

The children were gathered to play basketball and enjoy being active in a playful way, more importantly, they were taught vital life lessons.