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ESP - Patrick Baumann responds to the 50.000 letters sent by kids from Spain

MADRID (2014 FIBA World Championship) - Secretary General of FIBA and IOC member, Patrick Baumann, has sent to the Span-ish Basketball Federation an answer to the 50.000 children from Spain that requested him to select their country as the host of the 2014 FIBA World Championship.

Baumann emphasizes the "enthusiasm" from the Spanish candidacy as well the "great contributions" and ensures that "we are pleased to share with you this FIBA World Championship and all the kids from Spain".

This is the full text of the letter:

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for your letters
I am very pleased to announced that because of your enthusiasm and the great qualities provided by your country and the Spanish Basketball Federation, Spain was elected last Saturday to organize the 2104 FIBA World Championship.

We are sure that Spain will carry out the best World Championship in the FIBA Basketball history and we are pleased to share this FIBA World Championship with you and all the kids from Spain.

We are looking forward to see you in the arenas in 2014 welcoming all the coun-tries that will take part in the event and supporting your team.


Patrick Baumann
Secretary General of FIBA
International Olympic Committee Member