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CHN - Top four finishers post play-off wins

DONGGUAN (CBA) - Guangdong, Bayi, Jiangsu and Liaoning each grabbed home victories in the opening games of the first round of CBA play-offs on Friday.

The top four finishers in the standings after the regular season, the quartet’s triumphs give them first blood in the best-of-five series.

Champions Guangdong saw off Shanghai 114-107, a third-quarter showing of 33-22 proving crucial after the visitors had fought back to make it 49-49 at the midway stage.

Yi Jianlian was the star of the show for the winners, pouring in 38 points and grabbing 10 rebounds. Wang Shipeng was also in fine form with 29 points.

Reggie Okosa contributed 30 points in a losing cause for Shanghai.

Bayi edged past Zhejiang 86-82, thanks in the main to 22 points from Wang Zhizhi and 20 from Li Nan.

Again it was third quarter which turned out to be decisive, with the hosts’ 26-17 display giving them a vital cushion.

Tang Zhengdong scored 36 points and Carlos Dixon 33 as Jiangsu trounced Shandong 128-116.

The result was never really in doubt after the home side took the first quarter 35-26, especially after going on to clinch the second 36-26 to put themselves firmly in the driving seat.

Liaoning recorded an 89-81 victory over Fujian, Zhang Qingpeng pacing them with 22 points. Chris Porter managed the same game-high 22 total for Fujian but it proved not enough.