



  • フィリピンは、天然資源に恵まれ、美しい風景、そしてフレンドリーな笑顔に恵まれた土地である。2023年に開催されるバスケットボールワールドカップでは、世界中のファンがこの国に歓迎される。

  • 歴史 

    • スペインの征服者ルイ・ロペス・デ・ヴィラロボスが、フィリピン国王フィリップ2世にちなんでフィリピンと名付けた。
    • 6月12日はフィリピン独立記念日であり、フィリピン国旗掲揚記念日、フィリピン国歌斉唱記念日でもある。


    • 通貨はフィリピンペソ。主要産業は、製造業と農業で、製造業の中では、食品と飲料が経済成長に最も貢献している。


    • 世界で10番目に大きな島国のひとつであるフィリピンには7,107の島があり、そのうちの約2,000が有人島。


    • 12月から5月までの乾季と、6月から12月までの雨季の2つの季節がある。


    • 公用語はフィリピン語と英語の2つ。
      また、フィリピン人の多くが話す8つの主要言語は: タガログ語、セブアノ語、イロカノ語、ヒリガイノン語またはイロンゴ語、ビコール語、ワライ語、カパンパンガン語、パンガシネンス語。
  • Philippine Basketball has a Winning Legacy 

    A 1936 founding member of FIBA Asia, the Philippines has one of the oldest national teams and one of the longest basketball traditions. Regionally, it is considered the most bemedaled in Southeast Asia and one of the elite programs in Asia.  

    Governed nationally by Samahang Basketbol ng Pilipinas, or the SBP, the Philippines has won five FIBA Asia Cups, four Asian Games men’s basketball gold medals, seven SEABA Championships, all but two Southeast Asian Games men’s basketball gold medals, and the most titles in Southeast Asia Basketball Association men’s championships. The country has also participated in five FIBA World Cups and seven Olympic Basketball Tournaments. 

    Jeepney: Symbol of Filipino Ingenuity 

    After enterprising Filipinos salvaged the GI vehicles left behind by American soldiers in the 1940s, the unique, artistic, and exotic jeepney or “jeep” was born in the Philippines. This is also the Filipino version of a shuttle bus, because it also travels along a fixed route. 

    Tagalog Contribution to the English Vocabulary 

    “Boondocks” is a word found in the English language, dictionary, and vocabulary. It comes from the Tagalog word “bundok” which means “mountain,” and was introduced to English by U.S. military personnel fighting in the Philippine-American War.   

    Pedro and the Yoyo 

    The yoyo, was invented by 16th century hunters in the Philippines. The word itself means “come, come.”  

    In the 1920s, a Filipino immigrant named Pedro Flores began manufacturing a toy labeled with that name. Flores became the first person to mass-produce toy yoyos, at his small toy factory located in California.  

    The Philippine Eagle 

    The Philippine Eagle has been the country’s national bird since 1995. As its name suggests, this bird is endemic to the country.  It is also the largest forest raptor in the Philippines and one of the largest birds of prey in the world. 

    In the early days of observing the Philippine Eagle, it was believed that they preyed exclusively on monkeys, which earned it the nickname “Monkey-Eating Eagle.” But over time, experts have debunked this belief: Philippine Eagles not only eat monkeys but also smaller mammals like dogs and even other birds of prey.