Team | Ranking Points (as of 19.09.2016)* | Pool |
Sao Paulo DC BRA (1) | 1,357,500 | Pool A |
Rio Preto BRA (2) | 1,295,420 | Pool B |
Mogi das Cruzes BRA (3) | 660,900 | Pool C |
Talca CHI (4) | 502,800 | Pool D |
Joinville BRA (5) | 483,000 | Pool D |
Buenos Aires ARG (6) | 408,000 | Pool C |
La Plata ARG (7) | 345,600 | Pool D |
Loja ECU (8) | 342,300 | Pool B |
Temuco CHI (9) | 320,400 | Pool A |
Alexandria EGY (10) | 318,600 | Pool A |
Chicago USA (11) | 96,000 | Pool B |
Mexico DF MEX (12) | 16,200 | Pool C |
* Aggregate ranking points of the team's top three players at draw date