20 November, 2017
26 February, 2019
7 Mathias Calfani (URU)
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Uruguay's Calfani: ''Our dream is intact''

MONTEVIDEO (FIBA Basketball World Cup Americas Qualifiers 2019) - Uruguay ended the third window in the Road to China 2019 with an impressive defeat against Argentina, but with a record of four triumphs and two lost games before the start of the second phase. As the days go by, the focus is now on what's to come. Because of this, we talked to Mathías Calfani, the leader of a generational change in his country's National Team, who has the “hope of materializing the qualification” in each one of his steps.

Vertiginous, intense ad hungry for the glory. That's how Mathías Calfani could be defined, who hours after winning (once again) the Argentine National League with San Lorenzo, was at Marcelo Signorelli's disposition for a new challenge with the Uruguay National Team.

After their victory against Paraguay and their defeat against Argentina, the Forward shared the following reflection: “We reached the objective we had set out before beginning this last window. We had to win at least one game. We knew that the game against Paraguay would be difficult and, of course, the one against Argentina as well. Despite everything, I believe that these two encounters found us in the worst moment, because the vast majority of players had not seen any activity or competition with their clubs. I believe that’s what affected us against an Argentine team that had all their players, who were also in great shape. When the moment came to play as equals against a potency like that, we were not enough, and this caused a wide defeat that's not representative of the difference between one team and the other.”

Uruguay faced significant losses for those games. Many of them in the perimeter, with key men like Granger and Barrera, but also with a surprise such as Esteban Batista’s: “Without a doubt, losing our teammates to injuries was something we suffered quite a lot. You must keep in mind that these are determining players for us. T absence of Gustavo Barrera and Jayson Granger were a given. What did surprise us was Esteban Batista’s, since it happened the day before leaving for Paraguay. It was the hardest blow to take. Despite that, we present no excuses for issues like this. We trusted a lot in those who were there, we trained very hard and luckily, in Paraguay, we were able to do it thanks to a great defense. Against Argentina we had no chances of winning at all.”

This success and new way of disputing the qualification for international tournaments has, in various ways, favored the relationship of the fans with their National Team, and that’s something that Mathías wanted to emphasize: “It was a very hard defeat, it's undeniable. But all the same we're very thankful for the support that the people are giving to the National Team. Since the AmeriCup in Montevideo last year to the games we've been playing as locals, we're getting used to see Palacio Peñarol full of people rooting for us, and that's something that's very important for all of us. We take with us very emotive moments. Regarding the end of the game against Argentina, in the final moments the public started to chant for us to cheer us in a very difficult moment, and that energizes us. For a single game we can’t lose all the work we've done in a road that has even included a great triumph in Argentina, where we played as visitors. People value this. We have the hope and the dream of reaching the qualification”

Calfani, loyal to his style, gave it his all in a moment when his body needed a rest, and he self-criticized when talking about his level: “I wasn’t in a good moment, neither physically nor mentally. I was very shaken after the season with San Lorenzo. Anyway, I really wanted to be here, to contribute from wherever I was, whether it is with emotional or basketball support, because I knew that the end of this first phase would be very important to us. We are relaxed because we've given everything and we're still dreaming of achieving the objective. I gave what I had to help my National Team.”

Now the Road to China 2019 continues, and although there are thousands and thousands of kilometers between Uruguay and the Asian country, Calfani’s heart beats to close that distance more and more. Uruguay will face United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico: “If this phase was difficult, we know that the next one will be even more so. I really trust the work and effort of each one of my teammates. It suffices with seeing each training session — we're all working toward the same goal with a lot of effort. We will be facing great national teams in the road, maybe with more individual power, and that's when we must collectively respond. Our dream is intact.”

And like that, with that phrase that titles our article, with a firm expression and voice, Mathías Calfani invites all Uruguayans to dream with him about returning to a World Cup 33 years later.

By Juan Pablo Taibo