19 December, 2022
23 May, 2023
41 Nicolas Minnerath (SAH)
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Who were the top scorers throughout the first-ever WASL Gulf season?

BEIRUT (Lebanon) - The first-ever WASL Gulf season was an exciting and interesting one.

Now as the season has concluded, we take the chance to look back at who the top scorers were throughout the season as it progressed.

Nick Minnerath, who played from start to finish for Shabab Al Ahli, finished with the most points scored in WASL Gulf. The skilled big man blasted through the 200-point plateau, the only player in WASL Gulf to do so this season, for a total of 284 points.

However, he did not sit at the top of the scorer's standings for the entire season. Check out here who else took turns as the WASL Gulf scoring king over these past few months!

(Don't forget to scroll through the timeline at the bottom or hit pause to check for more details!)