14 - 17
November 2019

About Mozambique

Mozambique is a Southern African nation with 11 Provinces which has a long Indian Ocean coastline with very popular beaches that make the country very attractive for tourism. The actual population is about 27 million people.
The currency is Metical and the Rate 1 US$ to 75 Meticais.

Mozambique became independent from Portugal in 1975. Other useful information of Mozambique is:
Area: 812,379 sq km (313,661 sq miles)
Main Cities: Maputo, Matola, Beira, Nampula.
Languages: Portuguese (official), several mother tongues
Major religions: Christianity and Islam
Life expectancy: 50 years (men), 52 years (women)
Television is the most popular media
State-run radio and private FM stations operate
Mozambique has the following neighboring countries: In the north, Tanzania; in the northwest Malawi and Zambia; in the west Zimbabwe, South Africa and Swaziland; in the south South Africa and in the East Indian.


Commonly referred to as the city of acacias, given the abundance of these trees in the streets, Maputo is located in the Southern part of Mozambique and it is the economic and political capital of Mozambique, subdivided in 7 districts. Maputo has around 2 million inhabitants.

Additional information:

• Area: 300km²
• Altitude: 47m
• Main Economic Activities: Industry, Construction, finances and trade.
• Annual Average Temperature: 23,5°C
• Climate: dry tropical
Main Attraction Points
• Fortaleza de Maputo
• Museu Nacional da Moeda
• Museu de História Natural de Moçambique
• Igreja da Polana
• Casa de Ferro
• Monumento em Homenagem aos Mortos na Primeira Guerra Mundial
• Jardim Tunduro
• Catedral de Maputo
• Estação de Biologia Marítima
• Estação dos Caminhos-de-ferro