02 October, 2018
14 December
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Instituto, Aguada, Leones and Franca begin the battle in Group A of the DIRECTV Liga Sudamericana 2018

FRANCA (DIRECTV Liga Sudamericana 2018) - The DIRECTV Liga Sudamericana 2018, in which the Horacio Muratore Cup is being disputed, starts on Tuesday, October 2, with the first day of Group A, which will take place at the Pedrocao Stadium in the city of Franca, Brazil.

Instituto Atlético Central Córdoba (Argentina), Aguada (Uruguay), Leones de Quilpué (Chile) and the local Franca, will battle for the first two tickets to the Semi-Final Phase.

Córdoba and Franca come to the tournament with more rhythm than their other two rivals, because they have been in competition in their local leagues. The Argentine club last week reached a pair of victories in the first two days of the Super 20 tournament in there. For his part, Franca, is in the Semi-Finals of the Paulista Championship, currently tied at 1-1 with Bauru in the best of three series.

Leones and Aguada made a good preseason with several friendly matches to face the international appointment. In fact, both coincided in a friendly quadrangular that was played two weeks ago with Quilpué as host and, there, the Uruguayan left a 3-0 mark and the Chilean team with 1-2.

The initial date of the DIRECTV Liga Sudamericana will start on Tuesday with the duel between Instituto and Aguada and Leones and Franca. On Wednesday 3, at the first hour, Leones will face Instituto and Aguada will take on the host. On Thursday 4, will feature Aguada vs Leones and Instituto vs Franca.

The first two (2) teams of Groups A, C and D, together with the best team that finishes in the third place of these three groups, will qualify to the Semifinal Phase. Group B will qualify a team to the Semifinal Phase.

In the Semifinal Phase, the eight (8) teams will be divided into two (2) groups of four (4) teams each, which will play in a round-robin format for three (3) days. The best team in each group will advance to the Final of the Liga Sudamericana.

The Final will be played in a best-of-three series where the champion of the DIRECTV Liga Sudamericana 2018 will be determined.

The DIRECTV Liga Sudamericana champion will qualify to the DIRECTV Liga de las Américas 2019.

Photo - Newton Nogueira