Grassroots webinars

Please find the grassroots related webinars below. You can find the link to connect or rewatch the selected webinar.

Upcoming webinars
  • Adelante - Americas Women's Leadership Forum 

    May 11, 2020 

    ASIA - A woman’s leadership mentorship program 

    Presenter(s): Jenny Shipley (First female prime minister of New Zealand) and Cinthia Marshall (CEO of Mavericks)

    Targeted audience: National Federation presidents to identify future female leaders within their organization

    Language: English

    Link to rewatch:

    Ball’In Schools - Basketball at Home

    May, 2020

    ASIA - We will host online webinars for ambassadors and other teachers providing school activities to do related to basketball. We have worksheets for math, writing, and other school subjects that have a basketball twist to them that we want to provide for ambassadors to use with their kids.

    Presenter(s): Takla Kamel

    Targeted audience: Current ambassadors, as well as other NF’s interested. 

    Language: English

    Link to rewatch: