'BASKETBALL: Humans in Motion'
House of Basketball
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Vernissage of the IBF's first art exhibition 'BASKETBALL: Humans in Motion'

MIES – To fulfil its mission to develop basketball culture and its heritage while leaving a great legacy for future generations, the IBF (International Basketball Foundation) held today at the House of Basketball, the vernissage of its first art exhibition.

Entitled ‘BASKETBALL: Humans in Motion’, it plunges the visitors in the world of Basketball through the eyes of four artists: Sylvie ‘Sylile’ Séchet, Fx Rougeot, Soul2art and Koffi Mens with a mixture of photographs, drawings, paintings and portraits.

Florian Wanninger, director of the Foundation welcomed the guests and explained the importance of the exhibition : "The artists help capture the emotions and we're able to see the sport through their eyes. It puts a different perspective on our sport".

Three of the artists were present to share the moment with the visitors. ‘Sylile’ was honored to be represented in the exhibition, "basketball is a great sport", she said. "As an artist and observer, it is visually impressive. I see it as a dance and I am very happy to capture it in my drawings".

The exhibition was made possible through the agency '54 United', which aims to give opportunities to African artists to showcase their work.

Visitors of the House of Basketball can enjoy the exposition until May 22, 2018.