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Macfarlane relishes opportunity with Marty Handson Scholarhsip in Fiji

SUVA (Fiji) - Basketball Fiji hosted Marty Handson Coaching Scholarship recipient Gail Macfarlane for a week in Suva, Fiji to work with the National Federation and help develop their youth and developmental programs.

The second recipient of the inaugural Coaching Scholarship after Kaleb Sclater's visit to Samoa last month, Macfarlane commended the hospitality of Basketball Fiji during her visit.

"Everyone was very welcoming from the minute I arrived in Fiji. It's been an eye-opener, I learned a lot and also had a huge opportunity to share some knowledge and learn from the coaches and staff here in Basketball Fiji," said Macfarlane.

Macfarlane led a couple of training sessions of Fiji's U18 Men's and Women's teams for the Albury Cup in Australia while also assisting in their Basketball For Good Programs.

Basketball Fiji Chief Operating Officer Laisiasa Puamau commended the initiative from Basketball Victoria and FIBA in Oceania.

"It's always beneficial for us to learn from someone like Gail who is part of a good program in Basketball Victoria and the continuous support of FIBA Oceania," said Puamau.

"Basketball is still a growing sport in our country so any opportunity to learn and improve our programs is a welcome sight for us," he added.

Macfarlane excitedly shared the positive outcome of her coaching experience with Basketball Fiji's Basketball For Good programs.

"The program is certainly beneficial to me to witness the difference basketball can make with kids. In the week I've been here, the schools, kids and the parents look forward to the clinics with tremendous joy and excitement," Macfarlane said.

"I was able to offer some technical skills in terms of what to focus on in teaching the drills. I am huge on the fundamentals of the game so that's what we focused on," she added.

FIBA Oceania Development Manager, Annie La Fleur echoed the sentiments of both Puamau and Macfarlane in regards to the scholarship.

"This is a wonderful opportunity for both Basketball Victoria and Basketball Fiji to have someone like Gail with her expertise in youth programs," said La Fleur.

La Fleur also pointed out the experience for Macfarlane in terms of Pacific basketball and the challenge it faces which is different from Australia.

"For Gail, it will also teach her about being able to handle adversity and to expect the unexpected which will help her out in her coaching development," she said.

"Also Fiji's development programs are an eye-opening experience because it helps people beyond teaching the sport," she added.

Macfarlane for her part showed her utmost appreciation for the opportunity given to her through the scholarship.

"I'm appreciative of the opportunity and I'm kind of pinching myself that I'm so lucky to be here in this situation. I'd like to thank David Crocker, Annie La Fleur of FIBA and David Huxtable of Basketball Victoria for making this possible," she said.

The current Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator at Traralgon College doubled down on the benefits of the scholarship.

"This has been a wonderful experience and I think every coach that will be able to come will bring a piece of themselves and their experience that they can impart to basketball federations in the Pacific," she proudly said.