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IBF Journals: Virginia Cruz of Timor Leste

The IBF Youth Leadership Seminar in Singapore on June 22 to 24 witnessed a successful gathering of 16 Youth Leaders from 15 different countries. The workshop’s aim was to give the young leaders the tools to run 3x3 Tournaments as well as develop their leadership skills.

At first glance Virginia da Graca da Cruz looks like a reserved person with her shy demeanor and modest personality, but underneath her timid smile is a young woman ready to take on the challenge of effecting change in her community.

I never got to talk to Virginia on a personal level before my interview with her, and this is how she introduced herself: "Hi, I am Virginia da Graca da Cruz, and I am a mother of a very beautiful 8-month old daughter".

We had a charming conversation about her daughter and the challenge of being away for the first time. It was a pleasant surprise for me because we could relate to each other, being away from my two-year old son myself.

Answering the call

Although it was hard for Virginia to pack up and leave her daughter, she acknowledged that an opportunity of this magnitude is something she could not turn her back on.

"If there's a chance for me to make a difference in my community, I will always grab that opportunity because I want to do more for Timor Leste," Cruz said.

"In our country, job opportunities are scarce after graduating from university. But in my current job we were able to create employment openings with sports through internships for various projects. Since I started, we have hired 82 young people, helping them get their own jobs to sustain themselves and their family," Cruz proudly shared.

Learning about her job as a Sports Coordinator and how her company helps fresh graduates find job opportunities was a breath of fresh air. Cruz works for SportsImpact in Timor Leste and the organization's tagline reads: "SportImpact works with individuals and organizations who are passionate about sport as a tool for positive human impact".

SportsImpact and the International Basketball Foundation (IBF) Youth Leadership Seminar's visions go hand in hand by making a difference through sports. The workshop, spearheaded by FIBA's Foundation, aimed to empower the youths to be better leaders and take on the challenge of organizing a mixed U18 qualification tournament. They were also made aware of the opportunity of using their event to tackle local social issues affecting their communities and furthering the Basketball For Good movement.

3x3 Basketball and Basketball for Good

Virginia shared that she was able to watch a 3x3 tournament back home and thought it was fairly easy to organize. Fortunately for the 23-year old she had an early wake-up call during the seminar.

"I already watched a 3x3 tournament before I came to this seminar. I thought I already knew what I needed, but on the very first day I realized that I had to learn a lot," said the daughter of proud parents, Ines and Luis da Cruz.

She encountered a massive roadblock on the second day of the seminar when the Youth Leaders held a community challenge to preside over a Mixed 3x3 Basketball tournament in the Australian International School in Singapore.

"At the start of the tournament, I felt really useless and wasn't doing anything at all. I hated that feeling of being powerless and worse, not knowing what I can do to help," Cruz sadly shared.

"But then I saw how nervous the children were while waiting for their games. I took it upon myself to calm them down and it was a great feeling to see their smiles after comforting them," she added.

In the presence of basketball-crazy colleagues which also featured former national team players, Cruz felt lost. She could have shied away into a corner and no one would have noticed but the Timor Leste native was determined to be of value.

The encore for this determined youth leader was a sight to behold.

At the end of the event, Cruz walked gingerly to the middle of the court, took hold of the mic and had to quiet down a bustling crowd of restless players and parents to deliver a closing message. The moment she started speaking, the shy and modest personality vanished and she instantly transformed into a confident young woman who commanded everyone's attention.

"Basketball for Good is not just about being a good basketball player but to teach everyone the value of friendship, camaraderie and helping others for the good of all," Virginia said.


The U18 3x3 Mixed Tournament winners of all the countries involved will compete in the IBF Youth Leadership Cup in Bali in September. The opportunity to represent their country in an international competition will surely give the participants an experience that will help their growth as individuals.

Youth Leaders Bond

When Cruz took center stage she showed everybody her lack of basketball knowledge  wasn't going to be a disadvantage in making a difference. I saw the faces of her fellow youth leaders brimming with pride, watching their colleague busting out of her shell and showing everyone what she is capable of.

"I learned a lot with this experience. I think I am ready to go back home and give Timor Leste a great tournament," Virginia shared.

"This group is special to me because the friendship that we built in just three days is amazing. With everyone supporting each other, I believe we can all achieve our goals," she added.

As an observer throughout their three-day stay in Singapore, I witnessed these young leaders grow exponentially in a such a short amount of time.

The way this group of 16 people from different countries bonded together regardless of various cultures, religion and traditions is was inspiring sight to behold.

Going Back Home

When we were about to finish our interview, our topic drifted back to her doting daughter, Bhaquita, and she proudly shared photos and videos of her to me. Virginia unknowingly inspired me to be a better person and father to my son.

"I can't wait to go back and hug my baby girl. Life is not easy in Timor Leste and I want to do everything I can to give her the future that she deserves".

- Aldo Avinante