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FIBA's Competitions Commission first meeting for 2019-2023 cycle

MIES (Switzerland) - FIBA's Competitions Commission held a two-day meeting this week on January 21 and 22 at the Patrick Bauman House of Basketball.

The newly formed Competitions Commission for the cycle of 2019 - 2023 consists of 35 members and for the first time is divided into four sub-commission groups. 

These four sub-commission groups focus on the following areas:

  • National Teams
  • Club Competitions
  • Youth Basketball
  • Women in Basketball

During the two day meeting, the FIBA Competition Commission met firstly for a plenary session and then broke out into their respective sub-commission groups to specifically discuss their areas of focus. The meeting concluded with the sub-commissions presenting their proposals, recommendations and requests to the FIBA Competition Commission in the presence of Secretary General Andreas Zagklis. 

Jorge Garbajosa, chairman of the FIBA Competition Commission said: "These last two days have been both busy and exciting. With the new format of the Competition’s Commission, with the four different sub-commissions, the participation of the members has been extremely useful in helping to understand the different points of view of the leagues, clubs, national federations.  The sub-commission for Women in Basketball is key for us so that we can support this strategic objective of FIBA and also develop new ideas and initiatives for women's basketball." 

Predrag Bogosavljev, FIBA Sport & Competition Director said: "This first meeting has been incredibly insightful as to what individual national federations and competitions are facing. Being able to have all these points of view shared at the same table helps us to put together ideas and proposals and possible solutions to improve the sport of basketball globally." 

The duties of the Competitions Commission are:

  • to review and recommend the FIBA Calendar for approval by the Central Board
  • to review all official competitions of FIBA
  • to develop recommendations for change(s) to the manner and method of conduct of the official competitions
  • to develop recommendations for the introduction of new official competitions
  • to give advice on the allocation of official competitions
  • to study the regulations governing all international competitions, as well as the regulations established by other divisions of FIBA for international competitions and to recommend changes to such regulations
  • to ensure that the specific interests and development of women's and youth basketball are taken into account when making recommendations
  • to make recommendations relating to the transition of players from youth to senior competitions

FIBA's Competitions Commission for 2019-2023 consists of:

Chairman: Mr Jorge Garbajosa (ESP)

National Teams:
Deputy-Chairman: Mr Yann Barbitch (FRA)
Mr Ali Benzarti (TUN)
Mr Wolfgang Brenscheidt (GER)
Mr Ned Coten (AUS)
Mr Kenta Kawashima (JPN)
Mr Dejan Tomasevic (SRB)
Mr Jim Tooley (USA)
Mr Rafael Fernando Uribe (DOM)
Ms Xu Lan (CHN)

Club Competitions
Deputy Chairman: Mr Asterios Zois (GRE)        
Mr Mohamed Abdel-Motaleb Soliman (EGY)
Mr Kouros Monadjemi (BRA)
Dr Pratoom Muongmee (THA)
Mr Serbülent Sengün (TUR)
Mr Ricardo Vario (URU)
Mr Fabian Borro (ARG)
Mr Tomas Van Den Spiegel (BEL)

Youth Basketball
Deputy Chairman: Mr Mindaugas Špokas (LTU)
Mr Marcelo Correa de Sousa (BRA)
Mr Henrik Dettmann (FIN)
Mr Matej Erjavec (SLO)
Mr Kempareddy Govindaraj (IND)
Mr Dino Rada (CRO)
Mr Edgars Sneps (LAT)
Mr Manuel António Celestino Sofrimento (ANG)

Women in Basketball
Deputy Chairwoman: Ms Lena Wallin-Kantzy  (SWE)
Mr Irán Richard Arcos Sobarzo (CHI)
Ms Carol Callan (USA)
Mr Manuel Francisco Fernandes (POR)
Ms Natalia Galkina (RUS)
Ms Justine Irung (COD)
Ms Michele O’Keefe (CAN)
Ms Sandra Palombarini (ITA)
Mr Pang Yul (KOR)